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- [Graphics Transparent Mode]
- ENTRY: f3 key
- EXIT: RETURN for freehand draw
- SHIFT RETURN for menu
- f1,f5,f7 for another mode
- Graphics transparent mode lets
- you see what results will look like
- before they become a permanent part
- of the screen. When you enter this
- mode with f3 you will see some type
- of graphic in the upper-lefthand
- corner of the screen. This graphic
- may be garbage if you were using
- another mode prior to entry. If you
- have just loaded the program. The
- graphic may be the Hi-Res Workstation
- marquee. Whatever it is, do not worry
- about the screen display. The graphic
- which can be moved with the JOYSTICK
- is transparent and is not a permanent
- part of the screen.
- Manipulating the graphic
- The transparent graphic can be
- maneuvered with the following.
- JOYSTICK moves the graphic
- FIRE fastens to the screen
- with EOR, OR, AND(msk)
- F,I,R F'lip, I'nvert & R'everse
- UP ARROW rotate 90 degrees
- HOME move to top/left corner
- all SM commands are available
- Fastening the graphic
- To make a graphic a part of the
- screen press the FIRE button on the
- JOYSTICK. This will stamp the image
- on the screen. Now when you move the
- graphic a copy will be left behind.
- To remove place the graphic over the
- same area and press FIRE. This will
- remove it from the screen if you are
- using EOR which is the default stamp.
- Other stamp modes are listed below.
- CTRL E..EOR...reversible
- CTRL O..OR....non reversible
- CTRL A..AND...MASK out
- LOADing files
- Any window, graphic(PS), and
- partial screen may be used as a
- transparent. Any window file that is
- too large to be used will become
- truncated. Use the following keys to
- LOAD/SAVE files.
- W LOADs window files (w.)
- G LOADs graphic(PS) files (g.)
- SHIFT W SAVEs window
- SHIFT G SAVEs graphic(PS)
- [NOTE:] Each of the above keys will
- take you to the file requestor
- screen.
- Grab Mode:
- In addition to LOADing graphics
- from disk you can also grab any part
- of the screen as a transparent. The
- amount that can be grabbed various
- from 1K to 2K. The maximum amount
- depends on how much RAM is available
- for a buffer. You will always be able
- to grab at least a 1K size area. To
- grab something from the screen press
- SPACE and a shaded window will
- appear. You can change the size of
- the window the same as in WINDOW edit
- mode. Move this window over the area
- you wish to grab then press RETURN.
- If you decide to cancel, use the BACK
- ARROW key. The following keys are
- active while the window is on the
- screen.
- CLR clears a window
- SPACE window/full screen
- scroll
- RETURN grab from screen
- BACK ARROW cancel
- Storing/recalling from RAM
- You can store any transparent to
- a more permanent part of memory which
- is guaranteed not to be disturbed by
- other program modes. Up to eight
- different graphic transparents may be
- stored (memory permitting). Storing a
- graphic is performed by using C= S.
- If the graphic is stored a bell is
- sounded. To recall a graphic, hold
- down the C= key and use 1-8. Each
- number represents a different
- graphic. To delete a graphic from RAM
- use C=+CTRL and 1-8. The screen will
- blank while memory is being
- rearranged. In order to be safe be
- sure to select the graphic before you
- delete. When a graphic is deleted it
- will still remain in volatile memory
- until a new graphic is used.
- SAVING/LOADing a group of graphics
- for transparent mode
- Saving and loading a group of
- transparent graphics is done from the
- main menu. You may LOAD or SAVE a set
- of graphics by using main menu
- selections 3 and 4. When you select
- either 3 or 4 a reversed question
- mark will appear next to I/O. Press I
- for INPUT (LOAD) from a device or O
- for OUTPUT (SAVE) to a device. This
- will take you to the file requestor
- screen. When using a file name keep
- in mind that the other names will be
- derived from the first. The third
- letter will be incremented for each
- file. You should use either "a" or
- "1" for the third letter. See example
- below.
- w.1 file name g.a file name
- w.2 file name g.b file name
- w.3 file name g.c file name
- When saving, the number of
- graphics for transparent mode that
- will be saved is under "memory info"
- next to "graf".
- When loading the program will
- continue to load files until there's
- no more memory or a disk error
- occurs. You may cancel by holding
- down the C= key.
- ENTRY: f5 key
- EXIT: RETURN for freehand draw
- (if cursor is inactive)
- SHIFT RETURN for menu
- f1,f3,f7 for another mode
- Brief overview:
- Text mode is indeed a most
- powerful feature of Hi-Res
- Workstation. This mode allows typing
- of text in various fonts, styles, and
- point sizes. Text is proportionally
- spaced and entered on a line by line
- basis. Wordwrap with left, center,
- right and full justification is also
- available. The most powerful feature
- of text mode, however, is its ability
- to LOAD and format pet ASCII text
- using multiple fonts. Most
- wordprocessors allow saving their
- text in this way giving you the ease
- of using your favorite wordprocessor
- for writing your main body of text.
- Then by using Workstation's text mode
- you can LOAD and format text to the
- hi-res screen(s).
- Typing text to the screen
- When you enter text mode by
- pressing f5 you will see a vertical
- line cursor. This cursor is inactive
- (nonblinking) at first. Move the
- cursor with the JOYSTICK to select
- the left margin. The right margin is
- the right edge of the border. The
- right margin cannot be moved. So you
- may need to temporarily scroll the
- screen to position where text is to
- be typed. After entering text simply
- scroll the screen back to its
- original position, if necessary. To
- enter text just start typing it to
- the screen. If you make a mistake use
- the DELete key to erase. Care needs
- to be taken when typing in text
- because once a line is entered it
- can't be altered. You do not have to
- return each line. Let wordwrap take
- care of that for you. If you need to
- move the cursor to begin a new
- paragraph just move the JOYSTICK.
- Take caution, however. The current
- line you are working on cannot be
- altered afterwards. When the cursor
- is deactivated (not blinking) all SM
- commands are available. Since any
- JOYSTICK movement deactivates the
- cursor, it is a good idea to keep the
- JOYSTICK where it cannot be moved by
- accident.
- [NOTE:] When typing in lines using
- different size fonts, don't worry
- about any overlap or gap in vertical
- spacing. The line will drop down or
- move up after it has been entered.
- CTRL B'old
- CTRL O'utline
- CTRL U'nderline
- CTRL R'everse
- CTRL I'talics
- CTRL N'ormal
- C= (1-6) selects font
- CTRL BACK ARROW text options menu
- Using the text options
- Typing CTRL BACK ARROW will bring
- up the text options. The first menu
- is style. Bold, italics, outline,
- reverse, and underline are available.
- Each of these styles are additive,
- meaning that more than one can be
- selected at once. There's also an
- option to revert back to normal text.
- Press either RETURN for next menu or
- BACK ARROW to exit.
- Justification is the next menu
- with the options of left, center,
- right and full. These selections
- determine how the body of text is to
- be arranged. Make the desired
- selection and either press RETURN for
- next menu or BACK ARROW to exit.
- Text link is the third option.
- Setting this value to zero will
- ignore the link configuration and you
- will be limited to typing on one
- screen. When the value is set to 1
- you can type across or down multiple
- screens (link permitting).
- The forth selection is vertical
- spacing. This is sometimes referred
- to as "leading". The value here
- indicates the minimum vertical space
- in pixels between lines.
- Option number five "skip" is used
- for text LOADing. The value here is
- the number of bytes to skip from a
- text file. This allows continuation
- of a LOAD that has been stopped. See
- text LOAD for more information.
- The final option is the font
- selection. To select a font use the
- number keys. To LOAD a new font press
- L. This will bring up the file
- requestor screen. To delete a font
- from memory use the DELete key after
- selecting the desired font. The
- amount of memory available for all
- fonts is shown at the left of the
- screen. Each font listed displays the
- point size followed by the name and
- number of blocks the font uses.
- [NOTE:] You can skip from the first
- to the last text option by using the
- UP ARROW key.
- Text LOADing
- As stated earlier you can LOAD
- unformatted pet ASCII text to the hi-
- res screen using different fonts and
- justification. To LOAD text use CTRL
- BACK ARROW to call the text options
- menu. Answer all menus and prompts.
- The last prompt will be a file name.
- Either use the file requestor or type
- one in the box. Once a file has been
- selected and found you will see a
- shaded window appear on the hi-res
- screen. This window represents where
- the text will be LOADed. Manipulating
- the window is done the same way as in
- WINDOW edit mode. The following keys
- are now active.
- CLR...........clears window
- SPACE.........window/screen scroll
- RETURN........LOAD text to screen
- BACK ARROW....cancel text LOAD
- All SM commands are available
- Once you have adjusted the window
- and placed it where you want the
- text, press RETURN to start the LOAD.
- The text will LOAD formatting to the
- size of the window. After the last
- line has LOADed, you can select
- another area or use BACK ARROW to
- exit. If you stop LOADing a file, you
- can pick up where you left off by
- getting the SKIP value from the text
- options menu after a LOAD. This may
- not be necessary if you are only
- LOADing from one text file.
- [NOTE:] Before attempting any of the
- following, screens must be linked via
- the menu screen and text link set to
- 1 via text options.
- Text on linked screens (across)
- When screens are linked across,
- the right margin will be the right
- border of the last screen. For
- example, if there are two screens
- linked, the right margin will be at
- the border of the second screen.
- This holds true if you are LOADing
- text on linked screens also. When
- LOADing text the window will be light
- blue and you will not be able to the
- change the right margin. Make sure
- the screen areas are clear or the
- LOAD will not be permitted.
- [NOTE:] When typing on across linked
- screens, the screens will shift in
- half screen increments when you reach
- the right border. This shifting will
- continue until the right border of
- the last linked screen, after which
- the screens will adjust to continue
- with the next line.
- Text on linked screens (down)
- When screens are linked down you
- will be able to type down past the
- initial screen. The screens will
- scroll up in half screen increments
- allowing more space for text until
- the bottom of the last linked screen.
- When LOADing the window will be light
- red and you will not be able to
- adjust the bottom border. Loading on
- down linked screens is handy for
- arranging text in multiple column
- format. You must make sure, however,
- that the area below the initial
- screen is clear or the LOAD will not
- be permitted.
- FONTs on this disk
- The fonts that appear on this
- disk are numerous in variety and
- size. The font name will give you the
- point size and if the font contains
- upper and/or lower case characters.
- If a name consist of both upper and
- lowercase characters, then the font
- does also. If a name consist of
- uppercase only, then the font has
- just uppercase and no lowercase.
- ENTRY: f7 key
- EXIT: RETURN for freehand mode
- SHIFT RETURN for menu
- f1,f3,f5 for another mode
- Pixel edit is a close-up mode
- used for fine editing of small areas.
- When entering pixel mode by using f7
- you will see a shaded window that
- represents the area. You can move
- this window with the JOYSTICK. While
- the window is on the screen all SM
- commands are available. After you
- have selected an area to edit, press
- FIRE or SPACE and you will see a
- close-up view of that section. In the
- center of the screen is a square
- icon. This is the cursor. Move it
- with the JOYSTICK and hold FIRE to
- change the pixel underneath. At the
- bottom of the screen is a menu of
- three editing modes toggle, draw, and
- erase. Select each mode by hitting
- the first letter in each. Also at the
- bottom of the screen is a
- representation of the actual size of
- the area. This makes it easy to see
- how changes will look.
- Other functions include:
- SPACE moves out to the shaded
- window allowing you to select another
- area or screen with SM commands.
- CRSR keys scroll the viewing
- area.
- CLR clears the viewing area.
- CTRL U to undo the previous
- changes.
- SHIFT SPACE toggles the display
- on/off.
- RETURN exits to freehand draw.
- Using the printer section you can
- print from one to three screens in
- memory or a whole document of many
- screens in a variety of useful ways.
- In order to get a printout you will
- need to use the correct print program
- for your printer.
- EPSON print
- The Epson print program should
- work for most Epson compatible
- printers (any printer that has an
- EPSON MODE). Your interface will have
- to be set to transparent by either
- using the print program or by
- switching dip switches directly on
- the interface itself. Fortunately,
- most interfaces have a special
- secondary address code that allows
- them to be transparent.
- The Commodore 7 pin print program
- will work for all commodore
- compatible printers. Commodore
- printers do not give near the quality
- of printouts as Epson compatibles do.
- A good investment in improving your
- computer system would be a quality
- Epson compatible printer.
- Going to the printer section
- The print program LOADed by the
- main program when GOTO PRINTER is
- selected will be the first one on
- DISK. You can select any printer
- directly by LOADing a utility. All
- printer files are essentially
- utilities that begin with the "U-
- print." prefix. To avoid having to
- select your printer from utilities
- only the correct printer utility
- should be copied to other disk.
- EPSON and COMMODORE printer
- programs
- Once you have LOADed the correct
- printer program you should see a menu
- of four main selections SCREENs,
- Selecting this will allow you to
- alter the order of the screens. All
- SM commands except COPY are
- available. Press RETURN to return to
- the menu screen.
- This will LOAD from 1 to 3
- screens depending on the link
- configuration.
- This prints from memory 1 to 3
- screens depending on the link.
- Use OPTIONS to change how the
- screens will be printed. When OPTIONs
- is selected, a list of options is
- displayed on screen with the selected
- option highlighted. Move the selector
- bar with CRSR up and down. CRSR left
- and right will change the value of
- the option. The + and - keys will
- increment or decrement the value by
- 10. To exit options press RETURN.
- These are the first options on
- the OPTIONs display. These values
- will determine how large the printout
- will be. For example, if you are
- printing one screen (320 x 200
- pixels) at a scale value of 2.0 HORZ
- by 2.0 VERT, then the printout will
- be 640 x 400 (320 x 2.0 by 200 x
- 2.0). Be sure to change the density
- to adjust for the larger printout
- TOP and LEFT margins
- Each value represents the number
- of dots at the TOP and to the LEFT of
- the screens/document. To center a
- MULTI-screen document use the
- following.
- LEFT margin
- ((paper width(8 inches) x density)-
- (320 x #of horz screens x horz
- scale)) / 2
- TOP margin
- ((paper length(11 inches) x vert
- density(72 for 8/9 pin))-(200 x #of
- vert screens x vert scale)) /2
- Density refers to how close the
- horizontal dots are to be printed.
- Your printer may or may not support
- every density available. The
- densities with asterisks by them are
- the ones most likely to cause
- problems with older printers.
- The printer device should be
- changed to match that of your printer
- or interface.The default of 4 should
- be correct for most printers.
- This value affects how the
- interface behaves. The desired
- secondary device is one that will
- give a transparent operations (no
- emulation). This should be 5 for most
- printer interfaces. Refer to your
- printer or interface manual.
- Use a value of 0 for draft (one
- pass) and a value of 1 for multipass
- printing. Be aware that the density
- will also affect the quality of the
- printout.
- [NOTE:] Get the darkest print by
- using multipass print and a density
- of 240. Then by using different HORZ
- scale values you can simulate the
- width of the following densities.
- HORZ scale equal density width
- 2.0 120 dpi
- 3.0 80 dpi
- 4.0 60 dpi
- Change this value to one for
- sideways printing. Keep in mind the
- scale values apply after rotation.
- [NOTE:] Entire documents can also be
- printed sideways if the number of
- screens down is no more than three.
- With these values it is possible
- to box an entire document of multiple
- screens. This might add a nice final
- touch to any flyer or brochure. Both
- of these values should be greater
- than one, yet less (most likely 1/2)
- the TOP and LEFT margins
- respectively.
- 0=n/216, 1=n/72 (EPSON only)
- This is a technical adjustment to
- make to the vertical advancement of
- the paper. It is best to use 0
- (n/216) if compatible with your
- printer. If not try 1 (n/72) value.
- Older printers are most likely to
- give problems with n/216.
- DOCument menu
- [NOTE:] Use BACK ARROW to go between
- the two menus.
- The document menu is for printing
- a multi-screen page. Even with 3
- screens in memory this is not nearly
- enough to cover an 8 1/2 x 11 inch
- piece of paper. Documents are printed
- by LOADing a section at a time then
- printing that section and repeating
- on until the last section has been
- printed.
- DOC define
- This should be selected first to
- define the document as to the number
- of screens across and down. The
- starting file name is also defined
- here.
- DOC preview
- This will show a compressed view
- of an entire document up to 3 x 4
- screens.
- DOC print
- Use this selection to print an
- entire document from disk. Remember
- to check the option settings prior to
- printing.
- This selection LOADs all option
- and document settings, including the
- starting file name. This makes
- printing your favorite flyer or
- brochure much easier.
- This SAVEs all option and
- document settings, including the
- starting file name. Document files
- begin with the DOC. prefix.
- PRINTER commands
- Only send printer commands if you
- know what you are doing. The default
- command for Epson printers is a
- RESET. For Commodore it is a simple
- line feed in graphics mode. Most
- commands are sent to make fine
- adjustments to your printer's
- settings.
- Exiting back to the MAIN program
- To exit the printer, or any other
- utility for that matter, use SHIFT-
- Q.